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Nuxt module to natively integrate Plausible analytics

Nuxt Plausible module

Nuxt Plausible

npm version

Native integration of Plausible Analytics for Nuxt.


  • 🌻 No configuration necessary
  • 📯 Track events and page views manually with composables
  • 📂 .env file support
  • 🧺 Sensible default options
  • 🦾 SSR-ready


npx nuxi@latest module add plausible

Basic Usage

Add @nuxtjs/plausible to the modules section of your Nuxt configuration:

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/plausible'],

Done! Plausible will now run in your application's client.

!TIP By default, @nuxtjs/plausible will use window.location.hostname for the Plausible domain configuration key, which should suit most use-cases. If you need to customize the domain, you can do so in the module options.


All supported module options can be configured using the plausible key in your Nuxt configuration:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxtjs/plausible'],

  plausible: {
    // Prevent tracking on localhost
    ignoredHostnames: ['localhost'],

!TIP To allow tracking events on localhost, set the ignoredHostnames option to an empty array.

Runtime Config

Alternatively, leveraging automatically replaced public runtime config values by matching environment variables at runtime, set your desired option in your project's .env file:

# Sets the `plausible.domain` option to ``

With this setup, you can omit the plausible key in your Nuxt configuration.

Module Options

enabledbooleantrueWhether the tracker shall be enabled.
hashModebooleanfalseWhether page views shall be tracked when the URL hash changes. Enable this if your Nuxt app uses the hashMode router option instead of the default history mode.
domainstring'window.location.hostname'The domain to bind tracking event to.
ignoredHostnamesstring[]['localhost']Hostnames to ignore when tracking events.
ignoreSubDomainsbooleanfalseIgnore the hostname if it is a subdomain of ignoredHostnames.
apiHoststringhttps://plausible.ioThe API host where the events will be sent to.
autoPageviewsbooleantrueTrack the current page and all further pages automatically. Disable this if you want to manually manage pageview tracking.
autoOutboundTrackingbooleanfalseTrack all outbound link clicks automatically. If enabled, a MutationObserver automagically detects link nodes throughout the application and binds click events to them.
logIgnoredEventsbooleanfalseLog events to the console if they are ignored.


As with other composables in the Nuxt ecosystem, they are auto-imported and can be used in your application's components.

!NOTE Since the Plausible instance is available in the client only, executing the composables on the server will have no effect.


Track a custom event. Track your defined goals by passing the goal's name as the argument eventName.

Type Declarations

function useTrackEvent(
  eventName: string,
  options?: EventOptions,
  eventData?: PlausibleOptions,
): void


// Tracks the `signup` goal

// Tracks the `Download` goal passing a `method` property.
useTrackEvent('Download', { props: { method: 'HTTP' } })


Manually track a page view.

Pass optional event data to be sent with the eventData argument. Defaults to the current page's data merged with the default options provided during the Plausible initialization.

Type Declarations

function useTrackPageview(
  eventData?: PlausibleOptions,
  options?: EventOptions,
): void

💻 Development

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Enable Corepack using corepack enable
  3. Install dependencies using pnpm install
  4. Run pnpm run dev:prepare
  5. Start development server using pnpm run dev



MIT License © 2022-PRESENT Johann Schopplich